This Track Implements the simplest 3D Block Buster game. After this track, you will be able to customize this application as you like, because you make this game totally form scratch.
Try “RUN”. You can see a moving ball to the front end of the game board. You can move the paddle to hit tha ball to blocks at far side of the game board by touch this paddle directly and drag it. When all 15 blocks are broken, new 15 blocks will appear then game goes on. The game will be over when the ball drops out at the front end of the game board, or Break button.
(Un-underlineds are in under construction)
BB010 – Moving the ball
BB020 – Bouncing the ball in the enclosed frame
BB030 – Moving the paddle – touch and drag.
BB040 – Few target blocks
BB050 – Full 15 target blocks
— Finish this track —
The railway toy application is more complex application. This track can be an approach way to RR track.