This Track Implements displaying “Hello World” in 3D Text and spinning BackGround blue Cube like as follows. Through this track, basic topics needed to build 3D applications in VPGL
Try “RUN”. You can see spinning cube at the background of the green “HELLO WOLRD” text. Break button stops this application.
HW010 – Edit 3D text item.
HW020 – Minimal mainline of 3D Application
HW030 – Add 3D “scene” on 3D Appliaction
HW040 – Add a timer item to introduce motion for 3D application
HW050 – Import other scene to main scene
HW060 – UI Button item to control 3D Application.
— Finish this track —
This track is prerequisite for other 3D application track. You would be better to run in this track before other 3D track. Other 3D aplication track such as BB and RR will skip detail of 3D item operations described in this track.