The first 3D Application in VPGL dispalys 3D text “Hello World” in 3D space. This application is implemented by modifying the default VPGL program. This page guids how to operate VPGL UI to make this 3D Hello application.
Following is the 1st step form of this application.
Try “RUN”. You can see a modal dialog displaying “HELLO WOLRD”. But its back ground black screen also displays green 3D text “Hello World” in front of a blue cube. You can see it by slide this dialog by dragging. Next step application will not display this modal dialog in Part 2. Anyway we will start making the first step app.
STEP 1-1. Reloading Browser.
To get the initial application on your working VPGL UI, you may need reloading your working browser. The initial application of VPGL UI dispalys a modal dialog with text “HELLO WORLD”. This dialog will close by clicking/tapping OK button. Then application will stop. During display this dialog, its background space dislplays green text “RUNNING…” . By sliding this dialog, it can be seen.
Our fist trial is changing this text “RUNNING…” to “Hello World”.
STEP 1-2. Changing text using GEO EDITOR.
Selecting “GEO EDITOR” tab on the top of VPGL UI displays 3D Geometry Editor.

After choosing GEO EDITOR, you can edit 3D scenes, geometry items such as boxes, rings, pipes, balls, 3D texts, viewpoint cameras, lights, and making/deleting them. We are now going to edit the text geometry named “TextRun” in the “Running” scene.
STEP 1-3 Choose TextRun in Running scene.
In the GEO EDITOR, choose “Running” Scene by chanege SCENE menu, then choose “TextRun” by ITEM menu as below. They are in middle of UI pane under the 3D space display.

STEP 1-4 Changing the settings of TextRun
To make our the first step app, need to change like bellow:
“Text” to “HelloWorld”
“X” to -175 (25 unit left from original -150)

after changing these settings, 3D dispaly above reflects these change – Text will be “Hello World”, and centerrize this text on this viewpoint.
STEP 1-5 Save your application.
Our the 1st step 3D application in VPGL is completed by finishing STEP 1-4. It is strongly recommended to saving your work before testing. Saving is done by 3 step action in LOAD/SAVE tab.

After moving to LOAD/SAVE tab, (1) rename saving file name. The extention of saving file name must be “.txt”. Other extentions are unable to load to VPGL UI. (2) Click/Tap “SAVE TO FILE” button to make “download” link available. (3) Click/Tap “download” link, then your application “outload” is downloaded into download folder on your device.
STEP 1-6 Try Application
Try “RUN” button. If anything is wrong, review settings on GEO EDITOR. Savings should be done at anything change to keep away from lost your work.
STEP 1-7 Try other changes of RunText geometry
Now you can change settings of RunText geometry by GEO EDITOR, such as (1) Other text phrase (Printable ASCII Character only) (2) Color of text, (3) Size of text, and (4) placement of text.
Drastic change of placement will be lost from view easily. It is recommended to chage about +10/-10 or less for each trial.
(At default scene camera setting,) For placement, X direction is left to right, positive increasing slide to right, negative to left. Y direction is down to up, positive to up, negative to down. Z direction is back to font. Postive increasing to close to viewpoint, negativce to fade away.
STEP 1-8 Go to Part 2
In Part2, that modal dialog will be removed, continue to display 3D “Hello World” until touch the Break button,