Try a Visual Programming Graphical Language (VPGL)
This site shows you an OBJECT-ORIENTED graphical programming language and its environment. This includes simple 3D Graphic features described later.
(To try VPGL, need enabling JavaScript on this site
(This site is now under construction. Links with “(UC)” points to “Under Construction Page” will be available soon.)
At first, See below example.
Try “RUN” button. This “program” will request you to input one positive integer N, then calculate the addition 1+2+3+…+N and display it. For example, you will put the number 100, “program” will display 5050.
This “program” has several sub diagrams. You can see other diagrams by changing selection of two combo boxes(pull-down choice menu which is initially “Number” and “SUM” ).
If you would be feel too small to see, you can enlarge this diagram. To magnify diagram, double click/tap this diagram. To escape from magnification, double click/tap again. Currently, two fingers magnifying is not available for some reason.
You can code your apps in VPGL “language” with panel touch action only. That is, you can make your own programs with;
- single/double-tap on the screen (single/double click at PC),
- press buttons, choose item from pull-down menu,
- and input few words from virtual keyboard on your screen.
( If you will get this GUI more details, see operation guide.) You can build your own programs on your smart phone and tablet device. No need PC. (Programming on PC is available of course.) You will feel this programming as a GAME and a PUZZLE.
Now, you can start programming in VPGL at “playground page“. But you would be better to read followings and try examples before making your originals.
VPGL with 3D
VPGL has a simple 3D graphic feature as below. These object manipulation and event handling is written in VPGL “Graphic Language”. They are implemented by 20-40 diagrams such like above.
The first example is a simple BlockBuster – 3D sample. Try left link.
The second example is a simple railway toy. Try left link.
If you feel learn more, try to visit following topics.
- How to read VPGL diagram through simple examples
- How To “Code” – draw diagrams
- Examples in VPGL
- More VPGL examples
- Language Reference – Data types and methods
Followings are building 3D appliaction track. They are in easy-to-hard order. You would be better to go in this order.
- A basic 3D application tutorial.(HW Track)
- Building BlockBuster application.(BB Track)
- Building Railway Toy application.(RR Track)
- Other 3D Examples.(UC)
This VPGL GUI/Execution environment is written in HTML5+JavaScript only. This will run on web-browsers(Edge, Chrome, Safari, FireFox etc.) on your device. As you know, these web browser can interpret JavaScript Language pogram. VPGL use this browser feature. So VPGL interacts to server only loading scripts and page.